The body is your path to wholeness


Somatic Inquiry Groups

One of the most powerful things is your attention. When we can give each other is our witnessing presence, there is pure potentiality to help each of us flower. In Somatic Inquiry groups, we will explore our bodies and movements with presence, allowing for personal and collective discovery and healing.

Groups take places place on a Sunday from 1 PM ET/10 AM PT - 2:30 PM/11:30 AM PT and are free of charge.

Next Dates: TBD


Continuum classes and retreats offer a womb-like space to unfold into a field of fluid intelligence to allow us to meet the layers of cultural, social, and familial bodies. The intention of the space is to return to our sensing bodies through movement, breath, and sound to rest in an oceanic reservoir of nourishment and unfold into the fabric of wholeness.

Next Series: Elemental Body

Info Coming Soon.

An individual somatic session is a space for an inquiry into your bodily experience, to help uncover the story and emotion that’s calling attention. It can be personal, familial, or cultural. We become co-explorers of your particular circumstance, whatever it may be and can include: relationships, physical challenges, career, or life transitions. Or that murky something you can’t put your finger on.

The session starts with settling in through meditative exercises, to return the attention on the outer world to your inner bodily experiences. Then we notice what is occurring, stay with it, and let the story unfold.

The focus is on the sensation and expression of the body, dropping below the mental and verbal narrative, into the direct felt experiencing. It is the deepest layer of your inner knowing, which can open up to new possibilities of being. We may use gestures, movement, imaginal play, breath, and sound, to facilitate further exploration.

The cost is on a sliding scale of $100-175 for 60 min and $165-225 for 90 min, and takes place over Zoom.

Cancellation Policy
If you cancel or reschedule any consultation, you must do so at least one business day in advance of your appointment time. Without 24 hour notice, you are responsible for the session fee.

Individual Sessions